Ricia Fraga

God of the Resurrection

Zaoll Luv

Full name: Rihtwisnes Iusticia Fraga
Other names: Ricia
Species: Godtype
Domain: Resurrection
Place of origin: Spain
Affiliation: God’s Pledge
Birthday: October 29 (Scorpio)
Hair color: Gray
Eye color: Gray
Height: 4'9" / 145 cm
Weight: 89 lbs / 40 kg
Myers-Briggs: INFJ
Alignment: Neutral Good
Orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship status: Single
– Strong-willed, sticks to her convictions
– Composed, functions well under pressure
– Good sense of right and wrong
– Passionate about her cause
– Thoughtful, insightful, also careful with her words
– Stubborn, sometimes won't listen to reason
– Often takes on too much at one time
– Isolates when emotionally distressed or overwhelmed
– Pessimistic and cynical, has a hard time trusting people
– Feelings are easily hurt, doesn't handle rejection well
Traits: Wise beyond her (apparent) years, a seasoned veteran of life, with a deep reverence for all living things. Hates senseless fighting and works to help the world in whatever way she can. Highly opinionated, though somewhat jaded by the extinction of the Godtypes.
Personality: Ricia is a very collected and logical person who often puts aside her own needs, but not beliefs, to perform in the most efficient way possible. As someone constantly exposed to death, she has grown somewhat enured to bloodshed and violence, further hardened by the decimation of her own kind, but still deeply despises the perceived lack of empathy many others–humans, Godtypes and Remants alike–have developed over the years. While Ricia constantly denounces killing, she also admits that the world would be far better off without certain people in it, and often comes into conflict with her own personal creed to save everyone she can with her gifts.

She tries her best to keep her own personal issues from dominating her choices, but a long history of blame and loss has worn her down, and made her bitter, mostly towards herself. The words of families and friends of the dead she could not save still haunt Ricia as a perceived failure on her part, even though she knows it was impossible to save everyone. Her decision to hide during the Extinction weighs heavily on her conscience as well, since the god she loved dearly had disappeared while trying to oppose violence against the Godtypes.

While altogether sensible and just, Ricia has withdrawn greatly into herself over the years, and no longer confides or relies on others as she used to. Despite this, she is not at all apathetic, and refuses to stand idle when she could be making a difference. If anything, all the times Ricia has been hurt have just made her stronger.
Bringing the dead back to life requires both physical and spiritual healing. Ricia is able to perform the first part by selectively reversing time on a lifeless body, although this limits her power to “unnatural” causes of death, such as murder or acute illness. The latter half, retrieving the consciousness, is an extremely delicate task, and can only be done using the person’s consent, and within 24 hours of the actual passing. After that, the "self" grows too far to retrieve, possibly delving into whatever comes after death, since resurrections performed at the absolute threshold have a tendency to result in partial memory loss, especially of events preceding the death.

Ricia possesses an extremely immense power, the likes of which the gods have never seen before. However, as her acts are an extreme transgression of natural law, her physical form suffers from stunted growth and various ailments, including numbness of the limbs and stabbing pain in her chest. More recently, she has found it harder to convince her legs to function, confining her to the God's Pledge precincts.

Although Godtypes are beings which perish only when they wish for death, Ricia's rapid state of deterioration doesn't bode well for her future.
