Room One's Chamberlain
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Dollclans Rynx |
The Chamberlain of Room One of Pyranoscope's Liminal Rooms. He was originally a god from a doomed alternate Earth, condemned to serve Pyranoscope for the next 580 million years for his part in its destruction. Beneath his constant smile and salesman facade, he's actually a rather lonely guy.
Full name: Samson Michael Aster
Other names: Samael Makon Bain (real name)
Species: Godtype
Domain: Destruction of singularities (formerly)
Birthday: November 20 (Scorpio)
Hair color: Silver
Eye color: Blue
Height: 6'1" / 185 cm
Weight: 182 lbs / 83 kg
Myers-Briggs: ENFP
Alignment: True Neutral
Sexual orientation: Heterosexual
Relationship status: Has feelings for Mercy Mendoza
Family: Remiel and Sachiel Bain (foster father and brother, both deceased)
– Upbeat but easygoing
– Friendly, likes making small talk
– Highly protective of loved ones
– Persistent, doesn’t like giving up
– Very intuitive, reads atmosphere well
– Poor handling of emotions, hides how he feels
– Can be manipulative
– Bitterly pessimistic about himself
– Is left feeling victimized
– Regrets everything
Traits: An upbeat, go-with-the-flow kind of guy, but his good humor runs rather dark. Maybe a lot dark. And while not entirely evident at the start, he might be going a bit stir crazy from inhabiting Room One too long.
Personality: Samson Aster rarely goes anywhere without a smile; he’s extremely amicable, the kind of person who makes others feel at ease by sheer friendliness alone, like a car salesman who considers his customer an old drinking buddy. He sells himself as a sociable individual and enjoys cracking jokes as well, though often at his own expense, in a self-deprecating way.
Appearance: Has unearthly, almost luminescent silver gray hair and pearly blue eyes, curtained by thick white eyelashes, with a distinctive gold rim around the pupil. He is of relatively tall height, with an imposing frame accentuated by his muscular build and broad shoulders.
His job is to shepherd the "saviors" brought into the Liminal Rooms, and guide them on a quest to save their designated parallel Earth, one planet at a time. He's been doing this for around 3 million years now, chronologically speaking, and it all started when he more or less led his world to destruction. Formerly a sort of biological weapon used to kill other gods. Obviously, that's something he rarely tells anyone--in fact, Mercy Mendoza is actually the first person to ever delve at all into his past, and the first person he allows anywhere close.
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