Princess Palatine
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The young head of the God’s Pledge peace organization, having taken a leadership role many years after a failed assassination left her father, the original founder, comatose. Although she possesses no magical aptitude, Zoe is an effective and respected leader in her own right, and genuinely wishes for a resolution to the country's conflicts.
Full name: Zoe Lôi
Species: Human
Nationality: Vietnamese-Empyrean
Birthplace: Northeast Sector, Nascent Empyrean Union / NEU
Affiliation: God’s Pledge
Sex: Female
Age: 28
Birthday: December 30
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Black
Height: 5'7" / 170cm
Weight: 130 lbs / 59 kg
Myers-Briggs: INTJ
Alignment: Neutral Good
Orientation: Lesbian
Relationship status: In a relationship with Veer Thakur
Family: Father (Hugo Lôi) and mother (Caren Trang, deceased); Fulcanelli Paramirum (guardian)
– Confident in her abilities, very self-assured
– Always open to new ideas
– Is a deliberate but quick-minded thinker
– Knows how to gauge and pace herself
– Driven by logic and rationale, but does not discard emotion
– Will set aside her morals if it means completing the task at hand
– Emotionally detached, seldom allows others to see her real self
– Can be overly blunt or indelicate
– Lacks spontaneity
– Tends to clam up in friendly conversation
Likes: Intellectual conversation, shaved ice
Dislikes: Having to give up a task, invasion of her personal space, any unexpected turn of events
Hobbies: Playing the violin, watching television with Veer (particularly crime shows and Korean drama)
Zoe never grew up knowing she had a legacy to uphold. In fact, if it had been anyone else's choice, she would've gone without questioning the state of affairs within her father's organization, and why someone tried to have him killed in the first place. After all, this unfortunate turn of events occurred when she was still a child. The God's Pledge organization continued on, with or without its founder, but a distinct undercurrent of hatred for the enemy found a way into the hearts of its members. Clearly, the Peacekeepers were no longer driven by virtue alone; some desired vengeance for their fallen leader, and others simply wished to destroy the Remnants they feared.
Being raised primarily on Pledge territory, a young Zoe saw how furious her father's people felt, yet at the same time believed their efforts could be bettered by a healthier overall mindset. No one else truly understood her pain over losing her father, seeing as she never got to meet her mother and her current parental figure was a jaded immortal. Those emotions were volatile, sometimes dangerous, but Zoe liked being rational, she liked being in control. It would have been easier to let the Peacekeepers turn to hatred, and perhaps exact revenge upon the Remnant rebellion in her stead. However, as she grew older, a wish solidified inside her heart, and that was to fulfill her father's dream, to help bring about a world where no one had to be afraid. He wanted peace, not violence, and Zoe feared the Peacekeepers might become in time their very own antithesis.
Hugo Lôi's daughter forced herself to grow up fast, and not because anyone asked her to either. She wanted to partake in the organization as much as possible, unwilling to let it fall to shambles in the wake of tragedy. Even as a teenager she analyzed what made people work, and what worked the best, and when she called the shots they started to listen. To protect the innocent, first and foremost. Zoe became a voice of reason within God's Pledge, and no one was really surprised that she managed to climb her way through the ranks, ending with a ranking directly behind her guardian, Godtype Fulcanelli Paramirum.
While she willingly forfeited her chance at a normal life, Zoe made countless irreplaceable friends in the organization, and also managed to find her one true love among allied forces. Courtship with a god didn't rank high on her list of priorities (at first anyway), since she'd been surrounded by them all her life. And she certainly didn't expect her future romantic partner to be one famed for destruction. Nevertheless, Zoe fell more and more in love with Veer Thakur each day, and she with Zoe Lôi. They offered each other lifelines, really, since Zoe secretly wished for an emotional support and Veer desired, more than anything else, a person to protect.
If one day Hugo Lôi emerged from his coma, Zoe wanted to make him proud. Not only that, she hoped he would see how much the organization, and the nation as a whole, had flourished in his absence. Perhaps, in some small way, she rose to the challenge, and to leadership, as a means of creating a better future for everyone, her father included.
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