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Count Palatine of God's Pledge |
Full Name: Eon Harken
Other names: Eden Harper (Dead Ringer)
Species: Human (Thaumaturge/magic-user)
Birthplace: Southeast Sector, Nascent Empyrean Union / NEU
Affiliation: God’s Pledge
Title: Captain of the Palatine Guard, Count Palatine
Age: 21
Birthday: May 2
Hair color: Chestnut-brown
Eye color: Red
Height: 5'6" / 168 cm
Weight: 130 lbs / 59 kg
Myers-Briggs: ENFJ
Alignment: Lawful Good
Orientation: Gay
Relationship status: In a relationship with Sovran de Vaux
Family: Ricia Fraga (guardian), unknown parentage
– Level-headed
– Reliable, hard worker
– Well organized
– Straightforward and honest
– Altruistic, believes in the greater good
– Supportive and knows how to provide comfort
– Too idealistic
– Will compromise his beliefs to satisfy others
– Becomes indecisive with moral dilemmas
– Overly critical of himself
– Struggles to recover from failure
– Doesn’t do well with change
Likes: Orderly spaces, giving others advice, and feeling in control of himself
Dislikes: Difficult decisions
Hobbies: Fencing
Traits: At times somewhat aloof and uptight, but at the core very empathetic and gentle, to the point he hates killing and avoids it all costs, despite his line of work in God’s Pledge, protecting the human populace as a Peacekeeper.
Personality: Both he and Sovran de Vaux share the same work ethic and dedication to their cause, yet their approaches differ greatly in that Eon displays a far more serious, no-nonsense attitude outlook on life, exhibiting a sense of gravitas that may be considered rare for someone his age. He can come off as self-righteous about his own morals yet also tries to understand other viewpoints, acknowledging that there are some things that he cannot change–or should not be changed–especially in terms of Rem uprising in the NEU. A genuinely compassionate and caring person, Eon abhors violence due to the destruction he witnessed as a child and strongly values the sacred and irreplaceable aspect of all life, human or not.
Appearance: With piercing red eyes, a proud bearing and solemn demeanor, Eon is a young man, slight of frame, who always maintains a formal air about him. He keeps his dark brown hair trimmed to the nape of the neck and has longer bangs curtaining his face and its epicene features, all of which cause him to appear somewhat young for his age but contribute well to the charmingly boyish aspects of Eon’s overall build.
Attire: He is most commonly seen wearing a high-collared navy blue shirt and a long-tailed white jacket featuring brocaded silver accents and epaulets. A black leather belt and his signature weapon, the rapier Trauerdegen, complete the Count Palatine’s ensemble at almost any given time. On off-duty days he often trades his aristocratic garb for a white dress shirt and a black two-piece suit with a lacy cravat.
Physical AugmentationAs a Thaumaturge, Eon is able to will “miracles” into existence by compressing his will and intent into the heat of the moment. Due to the restrictions of Thaumaturgy on the human body, Eon tends to utilize offensive enhancement in short bursts, serving him best when the time comes to strike at a brief opening in the enemy’s defenses.
His defensive maneuvers create an almost impenetrable, invisible shell of armor around Eon’s body, but he lacks the stamina and concentration to sustain it indefinitely. He must accurately time incoming attacks in order to raise his guard and fend off blows without expending magical energy unnecessarily.
RegenerationEon picked up on a number of regenerative, or self-healing, techniques during his time with Ricia Fraga, although he lacks the ability to use them on others. He can successfully repair most injuries and staunch blood flow from external and internal wounds. It is also likely that he could reattach a severed limb so long as he remains conscious during the process.
These miracles actually operate on a mechanism of selective time-reversal, although Ricia has yet to explain this much to Eon.
Classical (Elemental) MagicWhen the Godtype Fulcanelli Paramirum recognized potential in Eon as a Thaumaturge and element-wielder, they proceeded to train him in “classical magic”, or miracles which harness power from nature’s elements: water, fire, earth, air, and ether (divine energy, also known as quintessence or the Fifth Element).
He is able to wield all four normal elements, quite rare for Thaumaturges, with his affinity for ether being even rarer. As ether is the substance only gods breathe, by channeling its power Eon is able to use ether to enhance his elemental magic and also fuse it with the other elements to generate what Nell has dubbed “prima materia”, a physical form of ether. Prima can take many forms depending on each particular fusion (Eon himself favors crystallized earth-prima) and has a multitude of uses, such as energy storage or even offensive tactics.
However, Eon’s control over the ether is relatively poor and he cannot maintain it for longs periods of time, usually hurling it at enemies in a spherical crystal form as a quick and non-lethal attack.
Regenerative SpellsEon had learned a number of regenerative, or self-healing, spells from Ricia Fraga during his time with her, although he lacks the ability to proficiently heal others using them. He is able to heal most damage to his body and staunch the flow of blood from flesh wounds, but at the moment he cannot repair severed limbs or stop internal bleeding. These spells actually operate on a mechanism of selective time-reversal, although he isn’t fully aware of this.
Eon wields a dress sword known as Trauerdegen, or the “Mourning Dagger”, gifted to him by Ricia Fraga. It is known for its blunted blade, allowing Eon to incapacitate enemies without dealing fatal damage. Trauerdegen is actually a soul-forged weapon that once belonged to famed necromancer Ark Townsend, and the reason why Ricia would give such a precious treasure to a mere boy is still unknown.
Eon was brought to an orphanage while still a small child, left with a handwritten letter containing the words “Eon Harken” and a blotted suspected middle name, “T.” The younger children considered Eon their protective big sibling, since he cared deeply for everyone and, despite his young age, insisted the adoption of others came before his own. He became somewhat of a permanent resident at the orphanage, able to console grieving orphans and earn their trust in a way the grownups could not.
Bordering on a quieter part of the Remnant Territories, Eon’s town, a fringe settlement of the Nascent Empyrean Union’s Southeast Sector, was considered completely safe, especially since the Sector strongholds were more often targeted than suburban areas. However, this assumption changed completely when a horde of Remnants breached the meager defenses of Eon’s community and ransacked everything, with little to no regard for the lives of the townspeople.
The night ended with massive casualties, including Eon’s caretakers, orphanage friends, and just about everyone else. Seven-year-old Eon was one of few people left alive, and the first to be discovered by a young girl named Rihtwisnes Iusticia Fraga, or simply Ricia: actually a surviving Godtype from the old era. She had anticipated the attack and had patrolled the area in hopes of saving its occupants. Upon encountering a half-conscious Eon, the young Godtype began to compliment the child’s fortitude, but then spotted the wreckage of the orphanage nearby, causing the child to nearly break down. He truly hated the fact that he was still breathing, wanting to die simply because everyone he loved, likely his birth parents too, were somewhere he couldn’t go.
After hearing the child’s laments, Ricia mentioned her observations about his latent magic powers, and when the child expressed a wish to ensure this tragedy never happened again, she attempted to reignite his will to live with a bargain: become her champion in exchange for the lives lost that night. Eon, not knowing that Ricia was a god, didn’t entirely understand but agreed to it without hesitation. The last thing he remembered before passing out was Ricia asking his name, and approaching the bodies of his friends, but he lost consciousness before he could respond.
When Eon awoke, he found himself in a makeshift infirmary along with his parents and the rest of the townspeople who died, all bruised and battered but somehow alive. Eon didn’t see Ricia Fraga again for almost an entire year, after the town was for the most part rebuilt and back to normal. When the news never reported any deaths or resurrections following the incident he started to believe that the girl he met didn’t even exist at all, and that he only dreamed everyone had died. However, Ricia eventually came to collect her champion and, after a brief discussion with Eon, brought in a recruiter from God’s Pledge to discuss relocating him to the Northeast Sector so he could begin training as a Thaumaturge, or a maker of miracles.
Eon initially wanted to refuse the move, until Fulcanelli Paramirum, the Pledge Regent themselves, showed up with a proposition of their own: to fully fund the orphanage and help find homes for the other children. After a long debate, Eon agreed to the deal, and later received a home in the Northeast Sector where he was introduced to God’s Pledge as a Peacekeeper in training, and also given a sword by Ricia Fraga, known as Trauerdegen–the “Mourning Dagger.”
Fulcanelli took a great interest in Eon, mainly because they sensed his affinity for ether, or the divine substance which allowed granted a Thaumaturge power. Pursuing the path of miracles, Eon studied elemental magic under Nell for many years, teaching himself Bindings on the side and also carrying on in God’s Pledge to learn swordsmanship from Godtype Veer Thakur, alongside combating the Rems. Along the way, he made numerous friends and progressively opened about the dysphoria regarding his body and gender, receiving nothing but support from the other members, who all had their fair share of struggles and wanted to understand his.
At the end of his eleventh year of studying and service, Nell Paramirum began to speak with Eon about his sword, which was actually a god’s weapon, and one they never predicted Ricia would give away. Its most notable feature was the blunted blade which could incapacitate opponents without killing them, suiting the technical-pacifist style encouraged by Ricia. While mastering the sword under Veer Thakur’s tutelage, Eon grew even more proficient with manipulating ether into the fifth element, quintessence, and proved himself worthy in both leadership and skill.
With his humble heart and love of all life, Eon’s popularity around God’s Pledge and the NEU surged, surprising him greatly yet also helping him to see that he had bettered the lives of many. After turning twenty-one, Eon was given the high noble title of Count Palatine, a position within God’s Pledge that had been previously occupied by Fulcanelli, whereupon Eon declared a desire to live fully as himself, a young man dedicated to serving his country and protecting the people.
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